I have friends and readers of many faiths, but in light of the upcoming Easter holiday I want to focus on my own Christian faith for this week’s Kelly Gram.
I am inspired by the Episcopal devotional, Forward Day by Day, as well as a sermon I remember from a long time ago by one of my friends, Dr. Marshall Edwards, who pastored at two churches in the Columbia area, First Baptist Church and St. Andrews Baptist Church. Dr. Edwards’ sermon, which I still have on audiotape, was entitled “It’s Friday but Sunday is Coming”, making reference to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Friday and his Resurrection on the third day.
To quote the author of Monday’s reading, “The authorities wanted Jesus dead. His teaching was a threat to the establishment. They wanted Lazarus dead, too, but for a different reason. Lazarus’ very life was a testimony on God’s power to raise the dead. His existence was a rebuke to the world of fear, might, and commerce.” He goes on to say, “It’s no different in our time. Someone who wanted to extinguish hope gunned down Martin Luther King Jr.” And this very week, terrorists that wanted to upset the world order struck again in Belgium, killing at least 30 people and wounding about 230 others.
There are many hate crimes against people because of their race, sexual orientation, or religious preference. It is truly a disconcerting time to be here on this earth. I choose to believe, however, because Jesus was resurrected and lives, that there is still a world full of hope. This world of hope will never be extinguished by the force of evil and, therefore, Easter is a time for celebration and joy.