Today I want to celebrate a friendship that has existed for over forty years – my good friends Debra and Steve Hamm. Debbie and Steve have had a wonderful marriage and are the proud parents of two lovely daughters, Kristen and Laura. More on those two later!
Steve came to South Carolina from California as a teacher and felt a calling to go to law school. He was my classmate in the class of 1977 and the Hamms and the Kellys lived together in married student housing. Steve has distinguished himself in the law, being recognized as one of the premier litigators, administrative lawyers, and lobbyists in South Carolina history. Debbie has devoted her entire working life to bettering South Carolina by serving in the field of education. She obtained her doctorate degree and has served with distinction as superintendent of one of the top school districts in South Carolina – Richland District 2 – and will be retiring at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Debbie and Steve have endured more than their fair share of trials and tribulations with untimely deaths of loved ones, both surviving successfully bouts with cancer and, overcoming other health problems. Through it all, their love for God and their love for each other has taken them through. They were also there for me when I lost my wife, Anne, suddenly last February.
Lately, courtesy of Laura, Kristen, and their husbands, they have decided to bless the world with several additions to the Hamm family. This week, Laura followed Kristen’s lead and gave birth to twins. By my count, Debbie and Steve have six little Hamms to raise and nurture to turn into quality people like their grandparents and parents.
Both Debbie and Steve are treasures in the great state of South Carolina, and I am proud to call them very close friends and love both of them dearly!