I often get ideas and inspirations for the KellyGram from one of my morning devotional books. I have referred to Tony Dungy’s The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge several times in the past and today, I am referencing the message from March 9th. This passage made me keenly aware that I need to stop focusing on myself and my issues (we all have crosses to bare) and direct my attention to helping those around me and my clients, who are carrying their own burdens. It is dictated by my faith that I help my fellow men and women around me with their problems. Because their issues are not my problems, I can use my legal training, and life experiences – which include many peaks and valleys – to offer a kind and objective word as I assist them in what they are going through.
Aside from the matters of faith, helping others is therapeutic and beneficial to the person giving the help. I am in the business of helping others, so I am at my best when I am caring for someone other than myself. Just something to ponder over this beautiful South Carolina weekend!
