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Two Important Topics



I have two subjects to talk about on today’s KellyGram and I cannot decide which one is more important or should be first:  I drove to Fayetteville, NC on this past Wednesday to do a social security disability hearing for a very deserving lady who has lost six family members through death in the last two years including two of her three children!  Having experienced a death in my life in February 2015 I cannot  imagine the mental anguish this woman is suffering.  She could barely walk in the room and came in her pajamas!  She was profoundly in grief and I have never felt more sorry for a deserving client in my 38 years! 
This is the same day that the reporter and photographer were shot in my home state of Virginia. While driving home scrolling through the radio stations searching for Christian contemporary music I mistakenly came across talk radio. The commentator had a different view on the Virginia shootings. He said instead of having less guns at the scene they needed to have more guns. His theory was if the camera man would have had a gun on him while the shooter was shooting at him and the horrified reporter then he could have dropped his camera and pulled out his own gun and shot the shooter.  I don’t take political positions on the KellyGram, but I literally almost had a wreck when people in America think we need more guns.  Think about it!



Prayer works and God is good all the time!

Have a great weekend!