Over the course of my four and a half decades of being an attorney, I have never wavered about my feeling of satisfaction for my chosen career path. Performing my job duties is quite simply a gift from God. Most people who come through my doors in Columbia and Myrtle Beach are seldom having a good day. Instead, they are sick, injured, disabled, or being taken advantage of by the insurance industry. Recently I worked on a case where a prominent radio and TV broadcaster fell ill with carcinoma in his vocal cords and endured multiple surgeries. The illness sadly left him unemployed and as you can imagine, the Social Security Administration did not think he qualified for benefits; however, we felt otherwise. I have known him and his family for many years and never thought I would have to represent him on an issue like this. Along with my family and children, a key reason I get up in the morning is to help people such as him. It is an important aspect of my job, and I am always obliged to help those in need where I can.
I want to say thank you for the privilege of representing many of you over the years and I look forward to continuing to do so in the future.

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!