On this Father’s Day weekend, Saturday June 15th at the South Carolina State Fairgrounds between 12:00pm and 4:00pm, the South Carolina non-profit, Project Unity USA is holding The Exclusive Car, Truck and Jeep Show, along with a Toy Drive. The event is headed up by my good friend Bruce Trezevant. Bruce has done remarkable things as Founder and CEO of Project Unity USA. As a former Los Angeles Police Officer and Richland County Deputy Sheriff, Bruce has seen his fair share of violent crimes committed throughout communities. He has committed himself through this non-profit organization to promoting unity within communities. The goal is to bring law enforcement, churches, businesses, and the media together to advocate for the reduction of crime and to promote the betterment of people’s lives.
Admission to this event is either two toys or two articles of clothing for underprivileged children, size infant to age 15 years old. All the items collected will be given at a future event, Christmas in July. Not only will there be an incredible line up of cars, trucks, and jeeps but there will also be vendors, food, games, and music that will make it a fun-filled event for the entire family. Please consider going out to this wonderful event and supporting this organization as it helps in unifying our communities.

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!