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Two Important Topics



I have two subjects to talk about on today’s KellyGram and I cannot decide which one is more important or should be first:  I drove to Fayetteville, NC on this past Wednesday to do a social security disability hearing for a very deserving lady who has lost six family members through death in the last two years including two of her three children!  Having experienced a death in my life in February 2015 I cannot  imagine the mental anguish this woman is suffering.  She could barely walk in the room and came in her pajamas!  She was profoundly in grief and I have never felt more sorry for a deserving client in my 38 years! 
This is the same day that the reporter and photographer were shot in my home state of Virginia. While driving home scrolling through the radio stations searching for Christian contemporary music I mistakenly came across talk radio. The commentator had a different view on the Virginia shootings. He said instead of having less guns at the scene they needed to have more guns. His theory was if the camera man would have had a gun on him while the shooter was shooting at him and the horrified reporter then he could have dropped his camera and pulled out his own gun and shot the shooter.  I don’t take political positions on the KellyGram, but I literally almost had a wreck when people in America think we need more guns.  Think about it!



Prayer works and God is good all the time!

Have a great weekend!







       Today I want to talk about one of my real life heroes: Dustin Johnson. I deeply admire Dustin Johnson or “DJ” as he is known by his millions of fans and fellow PGA golfers. He is a product of Irmo, SC and the stellar SC junior golf program (which features many current golf stars who came through the program).  He is a superb athlete, probably could play three or four professional sports  and he grips it and rips it like John Daly used to do in his heyday.


        In the British Open this year Dustin was the leader in the first two rounds and then had a bad round on Saturday and appeared by numerous observers on the last day to be “going through the motions.” His score ballooned and he finished in the middle of the pack.  Fast forward to last weekend’s final major of the year at the PGA Championship Scenic Whistling Straits in Michigan. Dustin played superb and was in contention when he teed off on Sunday afternoon.  On the very first hole, he got a double par and several holes later another bogey which put him out of contention for all practical purposes. Instead of folding his tent, he showed extraordinary courage and perseverance and proceeded to shoot the low round of the day after being five strokes over par for the day in the very first five holes.


        Dustin Johnson showed what I have taught my children and my lawyers over the years. Perseverance, patience and persistence are the key.  Kudos to you Dustin Johnson!  You inspired me and hopefully many of You who are reading this Kelly Gram.  Go DJ! 


Have a blessed weekend.


Yours truly,

Mike Kelly










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   Even though 2015 provided the biggest challenge of my life with the loss of my beloved wife Anne as well as the usual business challenges that go along with being a self-employed entrepreneur, I consider myself to be an extremely blessed man, almost beyond measure!  I cannot begin to list all of my blessings, but it starts with my faith,  my children, my work and home families and the blessing of good health. Close behind are YOU – My Clients! The legal marketplace in South Carolina has never been more crowded with lawyers competing for business, especially the attorneys who spend millions of dollars on television advertisements. The way my law firm has continued to grow and prosper is through my many thousands of  loyal clients that I have represented over these last 37 years as well as the new ones that bring their legal needs to the Mike Kelly Law Group every single day!


    Thank you for allowing the Mike Kelly Law Group to be of service for the people of South Carolina. To say thank you please find attached a flier for our Client Appreciation Day that we will have on Friday, August 28, 2015 from 4-6pm.  Please attend if possible.  All are welcome!


God Bless and have a great weekend!











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KellyGram – Why I love being a lawyer


        I have been blessed to be an attorney helping injured, wronged and sick people for 37+ years.  Every now and then the job gets a little old with payroll, deadlines, overhead issues, and other items, but 98% of the time I LOVE my job each and every day!  Where else can you make a good living and get a chance to help people pretty much your entire day.  I have long held this conclusion, but the other day I was riding between Lancaster and Columbia and I had and “Aww Ha” moment, sort of a moment of clarity.  In the past 24 hours, I have helped a 10 year old hemophiliac  (and learned a lot about the dreaded disease of hemophilia along the way) and got a dear sweet client a $17,000 settlement on the courthouse steps when her previous counsel tried to get her to take only $4000. 

God sure knew what he was doing when he sent me into the legal profession many years ago.  He has truly blessed my life, the lives of my family and hopefully my clients.

Prayer works and God is good all the time!

Have a great weekend!





              Friends, South Carolinians, countrymen, lend me your ears! Wait- I know, I know. This wall of text can be intimidating. (I mean, I feel the onset of a panic attack just walking into a library, much less opening a book.) You’re on the internet. This is your sanctuary of rest time. This is your free Facebook time, why would you spend it learning instead of watching cat videos? Well someone wants to take away the freedom that is associated with your internet time, and I’m here to tell you who and how. Don’t let this wall of text frighten you. We’ll make it through this together and you might just ‘learn yourself’ a thing or two in the process.

           Net Neutrality? Sounds like a law to keep fishermen from using illegal nets. There’s a joke somewhere there… So Net Neutrality, what is it and why should you care? Net neutrality, or open internet, is the principle that internet service providers, ISPs, should give consumers access to all legal content and applications on an equal basis, without favoring some sources or blocking others. It prohibits ISPs from charging content providers for speedier delivery of their content on “fast lanes” and deliberately slowing the content from content providers that may compete with ISPs. To help you out, I’ll break down in real terms what that means. Right now, you pay one price for the whole internet. Though expensive, (Extremely expensive, and much slower, if you compare it to the rest of the world) it gives you access to all websites that are in existence and ones that will spring up in the future. Those websites will all load at the same speed no matter what (And just in case you don’t understand what I mean by load I mean the time you have to wait for the content to be displayed on your monitor/smartphone/tablet). Our website, or any smaller websites, will load just as quickly as the behemoth Facebook. It’s remarkable. One minute you’re on YouTube, the next you’re googling how they jar mayonnaise (Not as crazy as I thought it would be). 

            Unfortunately, big behemoth sites (not all of them) want to change this. They would make each content provider (the people who run the websites) pay an astounding fee so that their website would operate in the “fast lane”. Anyone who doesn’t, or can’t, would be stuck in the “slow lane”. This would obviously hurt the businesses of those who can’t afford the fee. The scariest part of this is that the fee can change from business to business. But you’re saying, “Hey, they probably would just agree upon a lower price when it comes to smaller websites.” You’re right, they would probably agree upon a price with the company they would actually be able to pay. However, this is where it gets worrisome. Say Facebook pays Time Warner a massive fee for their website to be fast, but Facebook also tells Time Warner to crack down on any websites that could be a competitor to Facebook. Any new and upcoming websites, no matter how good the ides they offer, would be at the mercy of Time Warner (or an equal ISP). And if Facebook felt threatened by their existence, they would tell Time Warner to designate a price that the small company couldn’t pay. This would effectively end the smaller start-up company and rid the world of new wonderful ideas. This is why we need to work to keep Net Neutrality. It insures the playing field is fair and equal, even for the little guy.







KellyGram – Our Clients Tommy and Bonnie Taylor


This week I want to talk about God working before our very eyes. Tommy Taylor has a device that was not approved by the FDA after a clinical trial.  He was faced with the prospect of dying if a new device was not installed. We instituted litigation on legal issues which I certainly cannot discuss at this time, but simultaneously assisted Tommy in getting the word out that he would need hundreds of thousands of dollars to  have the life-saving device replaced.  I am happy to report that through the generosity of many people as well, as the efforts of Attorney Brad Hewett in my office in working with the hospital/medical provider to obtain a final amount and schedule the procedure,  there has been a significant public response resulting in numerous individual gifts that go both directly and through my Trust account and GoFundMe



We still have a long ways to go, but are hopeful that the goal of raising $110,000.00 will be accomplished by mid-August so that Tommy can undergo the procedure.  For additional information about this miraculous story, click here to see the latest of several articles from WIS-TV website.

Prayer works and God is good all the time!

Have a great weekend!







KellyGram – Age is Just a Number

Our Head Football Coach Steve Spurrier is one of my favorite characters and Wednesday he outdid himself with his impromptu press conference challenging his critics who say he is losing “his step” and is too old to coach at UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA! 

The Head Ball Coach is 70, and yours truly 63. Like Steve Spurrier, I feel like I am in excellent physical shape for my age and am working out with a personal trainer twice a week in order to keep this old body alive and kicking! I am a pretty humble guy, but I can also say that I am at the peak of my legal
career.  All the lessons and mistakes that I have made over the last 37 years have made me a better, wiser lawyer for my clients than ever before. Finally, my love for life and people has never been greater.  My dearly beloved wife Anne would not have wanted me to feel any different!  I wake up every single day ready for the opportunities and challenges of this wonderful profession.  63 is the new 45!

Go out and challenge yourself to do something out of the ordinary this week whatever your age.  Age is just a number on your birth certificate.

May God Bless you!

Copyright © 2015 Mike Kelly Law Group LLC, All rights reserved.


KellyGram – Samantha Cassady / Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce

In this week’s KellyGram,

I want to salute our Myrtle Beach paralegal, Samantha Cassady, for successfully completing the process, including the final exam, and being sworn in as a fully-fledged United States citizen.  Samantha represents what is great about the United States of America.

The second subject is my involvement with the Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce.  As most of you know, we have three offices which serve Columbia, Myrtle Beach, and Winnsboro.  These three communities illustrate the diverse nature of our unique state.  Each have their own vitally important communities, which assist to the success of our tremendous state. I do not believe in traveling to Winnsboro, taking in clients and earning fees without giving something back to the community.  I recently served a one year term as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce.   At our 70th annual meeting, I passed the gavel to Tina Johnson, owner of the Over The Top Boutique in beautiful Ridgeway South Carolina.  I was honored to introduce my former law clerk Ford Graham, who serves as Director for Global Business Development for the S.C. Department of Commerce.  I am proud of all my former law clerks including Ford!!

  Yours truly,

KellyGram – Flag Removal

As I write this week’s KellyGram, I cannot believe I am witnessing the signing of a Bill to remove the Confederate flag from the State House grounds! I certainly respect the views of the flag proponents as well as the opponents, but I truly believe that this is best for South Carolina. In my opinion, the wheels were put in motion not by the alleged shooter, but the families of the victims who expressed forgiveness and God’s grace to someone who had brutally taken their loved ones. Being a man of faith, I truly believe God’s hand was involved in this! May the removal of the Confederate flag be a springboard for the widespread growth of faith, healing, justice and equality!
May God Bless the People of the state of South Carolina!
 Yours truly,
Copyright © 2015 Mike Kelly Law Group LLC, All rights reserved.

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Mike Kelly Law Group LLC

500 Taylor Street, Suite 400

Columbia, SC 29201

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KellyGram – Fourth of July!


For this week’s KellyGram I have decided to focus on our nation’s birthday this Saturday.  I never served in the military and have never been the flag waiving patriot type, but I must tell you I am full of pride in our state and nation as they have come together after the recent events in Charleston and other locations before that tragedy.  I witnessed in the last week Governor Haley’s and President Obama’s most shining moments of leadership in their terms of office.  Governor Haley in her Press Conference (concerning the Confederate Flag) and President Obama’s eulogy were true marks of leadership and made me proud to be an American.
If you haven’t already got plans for the big day, here are a couple things going on that may help you decide: 

Lexington County Blowfish Baseball & Fireworks Show

Lexington County Peach Festival

Slide the City of Columbia

Lake Murray Symphony


The American spirit is amazing.  I am so blessed to have been born in America and to have raised my children here.  God Bless America!
Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July!


Yours truly,

Copyright © 2015 Mike Kelly Law Group LLC, All rights reserved.


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Mike Kelly Law Group LLC

500 Taylor Street, Suite 400

Columbia, SC 29201

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