One of my first mentors, outside of my dad, was Eugene C. “Jeep Deal”. He worked in the paper mill across the state line in Roanoke Rapids, NC. Jeep Deal was good at everything and I was lucky enough to have him as my Scoutmaster! Troup 10 met at Main Street Methodist Church and during my 4 ½ years as a Scout, I made it to Life Plus (but discovered girls and did not make it to Eagle). Oh, how I wish that someone would have pushed me to Eagle! It is a lifetime achievement I wish I would have accomplished.
I went camping many times to Camporee, as well as summer camp at Champ Chanco on the shores of the historic James River. It’s on the Surry, VA side of the river looking over the Jamestown Monument.
Becoming a Boy Scout taught me about leadership, responsibility, character, and values. I also learned a lot about myself and things that interest me, such as American culture, aviation, and serving others.
My Boy Scout experience has had a lasting impact on me and made me into the man I am today! I will cherish those experiences until the day I die and I would encourage everyone to recognize the immense value of scouting to young men and women!