Wednesday, the Mike Kelly Law Group had the opportunity to sponsor and attend the 8th Annual Green Tie Awards Luncheon to benefit the Conservation Voters of South Carolina. The Conservation Voters organization was created in 2003 for two essential purposes: 1) To provide a unified front for those that believe we need to leave this earth better than we found it and 2) to support those political leaders who promote conservation in our wonderful state. Awards were presented to Senator Nikki Setzler, Representative Doug Brannon, and Representative Weston Newton, along with Frank Holloman, Esquire, who heads the Southern Environmental Law Center.
Receiving the South Carolina Lifetime Conservation Award was Rudy Mancke, literally a South Carolina treasure. Mancke hosted Nature Scene on ETV for many years and is now on the faculty at the University of South Carolina as its first naturalist in residence. All presenters and award recipients gave credit where it is due, to Ann Timberlake. Ann is a Dreher High School and Tulane University graduate who has a lifetime commitment to protecting and enhancing our environment in South Carolina. She has worked tirelessly to grow the Conservation Voters to a strong political organization, advocating for our environment. Ann is retiring, but her legacy will continue and she will continue the battle! Congratulations Ann for your legacy!
