As I hope all of you have noticed, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It is a month where people across the mental health community join together to let those with mental illness know that they are not alone! I have had episodic bouts of depression that were situational in nature when an adverse life event hit me, but overwhelmingly, my life has been quite a blessing! I have experienced mental illness firsthand with a family member, and thousands of times with my clients across South Carolina. As I am writing this, I just concluded a disability hearing with someone that suffers from PTSD, anxiety, and depression. He will not go out of the house except when absolutely necessary. For example, if he pulls up to a grocery store and there are too many cars in the parking lot, he will not go in.
I am proud that the Mike Kelly Law Group has advocated for those suffering with mental illness since its inception, and I currently serve on the Mental Illness Recovery Center Inc. Board (MIRCI). It is one of the most satisfying, rewarding, and necessary services that I can provide. I have written about MIRCI and its mission before, and surely will do so again.
Please be sympathetic to those affected by mental health problems and the stigma surrounding mental illness.