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KellyGram – Earth Day 2024



As we progress as a society, it is becoming increasingly important to be mindful about the health of our planet and to recognize our impact on the environment. I was never known to be an environmentalist until two well-meaning church ladies confronted me in the naïve of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and asked me to join the Gills Creek Watershed Association Board. Since I almost never say no, I signed on and boy was I in for a valuable education! I quickly learned that the Gills Creek Watershed services 200,000 South Carolinians, from Spring Valley all the way to the Congaree River. I also learned just how important it is to keep our waterways healthy regardless of where they may be located! I have since been enlightened about Earth Day, its origin, and its importance. It is a bipartisan effort to salute our planet and make positive changes for the benefit of our environment. On behalf of my children and grandchildren this is very important to me in creating a better future for them.

Planet versus Plastics is the theme this year for World Earth Day. It aims to bring attention to the serious threat of plastic pollution on our planet. Please consider protecting the environment in everything you do because it affects our lives, health, and society as we know it!

We are blessed to be on planet Earth so let’s honor it!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly




