For a long time, I have had a law office in Winnsboro, South Carolina. However, I finally made the exceedingly difficult but prudent decision to close our Winnsboro office and transfer these clients to Columbia. In addition to losing a longtime and dedicated employee, Greta Edwards, I am a big fan of small towns. I grew up in small town in southern Virginia and Winnsboro has always and will continue to be dear to me. However, when the offices are only 40 minutes apart and so many Fairfield County residents are used to driving to Columbia for professional services whether it be doctors, lawyers or the similar, it just made sense. With the tremendous growth in Columbia and Myrtle Beach, my primary focus needs to be on these offices and not spreading myself too thin. I will always have a special place in my heart for Fairfield County and plan to continue to be active in the area with the Chamber of Commerce and other community activities. It is a beautiful county with lots of beautiful people!
