We at the Mike Kelly Law Group were blessed over two years ago to have Dean Diamaduros join us as a lawyer on the litigation team working for my partner Brad Hewett. We have been incredibly pleased with not only his work ethic and product but the effervescence and outgoing personality that he has with everyone he meets. This KellyGram is dedicated to Dean and his new wife Appollonia (“Apples”).
They have a very interesting and romantic love story to tell. They met each other when they were around 12 years old and became best friends and are to this day. After an off and on relationship interrupted by Apples moving to Chicago for six years, they started dating seriously in 2019. This relationship culminated in a rite of Holy Matrimony which was performed by a Greek Orthodox Priest in the small seaside village of Kolumbari at Agia Marina Church in Crete, one of the southernmost islands of Greece. I wish I could have been there, but from all their pictures and stories I have heard it was a wonderful wedding like on the Greeks can do, (just remember the Movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding)! I asked Dean about what he most admired about Apples, and he said it is very hard to pick. He listed her extremely understanding nature, her independence, and he said she is definitely his better half. I think they both got lucky with their forever mates.
Dean, of course a dedicated member of the Mike Kelly Law Group team, and Apples is a hair stylist at Urban Nirvana at Trenholm Plaza for the last eight years.
We welcome Apples into the Mike Kelly Law Group family and wish you both a lifetime of happiness together.
