I had the privilege on Monday July 10, 2023, to preside over a brief ceremony at my beloved Jim Hamilton – LB Owens Airport. Present were SC Aviation Association members, Airport Board Members, Airport General Manager Chris Eversmann, who excels in every task that he undertakes, and long-term Airport Manager Jim Hamilton whose name appears on the airport itself. The star of the show was William “Bill” Vartorella, brother of the late Doug Vartorella who had a lengthy career with the National Security Agency and whose passion for aviation led him to develop a vast collection of military and aviation memorabilia. A portion of this collection was donated by Bill to Jim Hamilton – LB Owens Airport in honor of his brother. This wonderful event would not have taken place without long-time aviation attorney, John Hodge, who facilitated the event and happens to be an airport tenant. It was truly a momentous event and a win for the airport!
The citizens of the City of Columbia and Richland County are truly fortunate to have a first-class airport like ours. If you are in the neighborhood, I suggest you come by and look at the display we have on hand!
