As Veterans Day comes and goes it is important to really think about how fortunate we are to live in this great nation. As Americans, we live in a 24 hour news cycle world pulled in 10 different directions everyday. We just finished another election cycle where citizens cast their ballots to determine who would serve as their government leaders. As tough and divisive as America can seem sometimes, we are still best hope in the world for people to freely determine their leaders and choose their government. This is not by accident. Generations of Americans have answered the bell time and time again to serve their country in times of war and peace. They have served in the air, on land, and at sea. At home and abroad, whether serving for a 2 year enlistment or a 35 year career, our veterans have all played a vital part ensuring election days in this country continue to follow the will of the people.
While most veterans return home from abroad to begin new lives, many will return home with scars incurred from serving our nation. Some the scars will be visible, but many will be below the surface. Regardless, each of us will have the opportunity to assist a veteran in the future and there is no better way to show your gratitude to this group than to thank them, and ask “How can I help you”.
As attorneys, we are honored to assist and advise veterans in their disability claims with the VA, and will continue to help every veteran we can. We are truly blessed to be Americans, and we can thank our veterans for that today, tomorrow and beyond.
If you or a loved one need assistance in obtaining VA benefits or VA disability compensation, contact the Mike Kelly Law Group at 803-726-0123.