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The Mike Kelly Law Group joins millions of others who are shocked and saddened by the tragedy in Charleston, SC this past Wednesday evening. I have my own views on gun control, but respect the right of pro-gun advocates to advance their position. This country really needs to come to terms with senseless acts of violence in our nation. I do not know what the solution is, but the United States would be a far better place if we could curb these type of incidents. |
On another note, I invite you to read a thought provoking piece by columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. which appeared in Thursday’s edition of The State. In his piece, What do you think now, Justice Scalia? He crafts a letter to Antonin G. Scalia, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, which is very insightful. The issue of continuing the death penalty in this country also needs to be addressed once and for all.
Again, our prayers go out to the victim’s families and the community of the Charleston tragedy. May God Bless you all.
Yours truly,
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