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KellyGram – Reflections on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



As a young teenager, I can still remember watching on Mom and Dad’s black and white tv the, “I Have a Dream Speech.” Having always been a political junkie, I still remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. crusading for racial equality and economic justice. Back in the day I enjoyed reading Letters from an American, a newsletter written by Professor Heather Cox Richardson from the University of Maine. On the night of April 3, 1968, which was the night before Dr. King was assassinated, I read excerpts from the speech he gave at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King was in Memphis to lead protests for sanitation workers who were woefully underpaid and subject to dangerous conditions. A few quotes from the speech are as follows:

“If God had let him choose any era in which to live, he would have chosen the one in which he had landed because the world is all messed up. The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land; confusion all around…. But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.”

“I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter…because I’ve been to the mountaintop…. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life…. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!”

Strangely, some of the things he said that night in his speech leave me to believe that somehow, he knew that his days were numbered. Even though his life was cut short, he has made a lasting impact on me, my fellow Americans, and the world! What a magnificent American he was!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Mother Nature



That sure was some powerful Mother Nature this past Tuesday that resulted in destruction throughout South Carolina but fortunately no deaths! The damage was especially bad in the beautiful little town of Bamberg, South Carolina and there was isolated tornadoes and damage along the coast. I had a telephone social security hearing and a zoom call both of which I could do while working from my home, so I stayed in my pajamas all day and rode the storm out. In the midst of all the noise, the wind, and the rain, a self-inflicted funny occurrence happened at my expense!

The security system in my home started beeping due to a tornado warning. It got to be quite irritating, so I went to the alarm panel and made a decision to push a button that had a + sign and unfortunately, I did not know that was a panic button!

All hell broke loose in the house! It sounded like there was a Columbia firetruck in my kitchen with all kinds of horns blowing and buzzers sounding. Literally the house was shaking. We finally got it turned off but by that point the police had been called. True to form, one of Columbia’s finest showed up at my home within five minutes. I went to the front door and was smiling, and the officer said, “Let me guess, tornado warning!” and I said’ “Yes, I hit the panic button, and I am so sorry you had to come out!” Being polite, he said, “Don’t worry Mr. Kelly it was my fourth tornado watch call in the last ten minutes.” With all that said, let us all be thankful that there were no deaths in our state from this weather and let us all find the joy when there is darkness.

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – New Years 2024



I cannot believe that we are turning the page into another year! I have long given up on the idea of making New Year’s resolutions, but I definitely sit down in a quiet room (my home study usually) and list my goals both professionally and personally for the new year. I look at it at least once a month and keep it in a handy location. It is amazing by just writing things down how you magically tend to check them off more quickly. I am sure 2024, like every other year in my long existence, will be full of ups and downs, but that is how life is.

I hope all have a prosperous and blessed 2024!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend and a Safe and Happy New Year!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Christmas 2023


As I said last year and even more so this year, the gift giving part of Christmas is no longer important to me except for my children and grandchild. What is important to me is the meaning of Christmas as well as the spirit of giving, peace, and goodwill! I used to dread Christmas because of the slowdown in available time to work in my career, but I now welcome it, cherish it and am glad to be a part of the joy of the Christmas season. I will be celebrating all that Christmas is for the rest of my life.

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend and a very Merry Christmas!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Dean Diamaduros


Today we salute Dean Diamaduros, an attorney on Mike Kelly Law Group’s litigation team, as the employee of the month! Dean has had an eventful year getting married in Greece in July to his lovely wife Apples and now is closing on his first home this very day. Dean has emerged as a tremendous asset to the Mike Kelly Law Group as a young and upcoming litigation attorney practicing primarily personal injury law. Dean has a unique combination of brains, along with excellent communication and people skills. Dean literally can be friends with anyone, and our clients love him as well as his legal skills. Thank you, Dean, for having joined the Mike Kelly Law Group and we hope you are here for many years to come!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Practicing Law at Christmas Time


As we all know there is something incredibly special about the Christmas Season and I wanted to tell you about how practicing law is different during the month of December.

For starters everyone tries to cram last minute end of the year cases into the first 2 ½ weeks of the month of December. For example, I had scheduled five hearings for next week. I have several depositions almost every day between now and the 18th of December when things start to slow down. It reminds me of the saying “hurry up and wait” LOL!

My paralegals and lawyers at the Mike Kelly Law Group are extremely busy these first 2 ½ weeks and come to a dead standstill the week before and after Christmas. I always wondered if it’s that way in other businesses. Given the nature of human beings and their tendency at times to procrastinate. Not everyone is that way (although I am pretty guilty of it) but I suspect other businesses have a little bit of the same thing.

I know I overuse the expression, “think of the reason for the season,” but that is truly what I am striving to do in my more mature years. My lecturer Mitch Smith at St Martins in the Fields Episcopal Church gave a fantastic sermon on that very subject and encouraged his parishioners to take a deep breath, to pray often, and to seek peace not just globally but within our own souls. More on Christmas is coming!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – River’s Edge Retreat Gala



This evening River’s Edge Retreat non-profit is having their largest annual fundraiser of the year. It will be a festive banquet held at the Richland Two Institute of Innovation Conference Center in Northeast Columbia and the Mike Kelly Law Group will be supporting the very worthwhile cause. The is an organization that our firm happily adopted to support at the recommendation of my partner and head of our litigation Brad Hewett. Brad and River’s Edge founder Steve Ware are neighbors.

River’s Edge Retreat provides a variety of programs, events, and activities to help underserved Midland families. It is committed to giving every child, no matter what their financial or social background, a chance to have a brighter future. In your yearend giving please consider supporting a charity of choice but I do ask that you take a close look at River’s Edge Retreat.

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Linda Willis



This month we are saluting Linda Willis, who is our hard-working paralegal in the Myrtle Beach office. Linda was born and raised in Loris, South Carolina and continues to live there today. She is the mother of two grown children and a grandmother of six, of which three she is raising. They all provide her with tremendous joy and keep her quite busy when she is not working for MKLG.

Linda received her Paralegal Studies Associate Degree at Horry Georgetown Technical College and later continued on to put herself through college to receive her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a minor in Law from Coastal Carolina University. She has over twenty years of experience working in the legal field, and we are glad to have her handling our Myrtle Beach operation. Thank you for all you do, Linda!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Thanksgiving 2023



Even though the weather hasn’t felt like it lately, the Thanksgiving holidays are closely approaching us. There is no doubt that I have more to be thankful for this year than ever before. In a sense it is all cumulative and when I posted a picture on Facebook that I had taken this past week of a sunrise over my neighborhood in Columbia, I fully realized the awesomeness God has created in this world. He sometimes gives us a small glimpse into his true glory. I am so blessed to call the cities of Columbia and Myrtle Beach my homes and I wake up day after day thankful to have another day on this earth! I believe as my friend Greg Pierce commented on my post, the older we get the more we appreciate life’s blessings. This is the season to be truly grateful for our friends and family.

I hope you hold your family close this Thanksgiving and thank the good Lord for what life has given each of us. Have an amazing and happy Thanksgiving Holiday!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









KellyGram – Horry County Schools – Early College High School



I recently became aware through my friend Marsha Griffin of Horry County’s Early College High School program. I have since been fascinated by this triumph of educational excellence right here in our state! The Mike Kelly Law Group recently participated in a fundraising event where over $100,000 was raised for this program. It involved a Putt-Putt competition where 43 teams participated. There were many sponsors of the event including the Mike Kelly Law Group. It was held within walking distance from our Myrtle Beach office at the Mt. Atlanticus Miniature Golf Course which has been a landmark in Downtown Myrtle Beach for 25 years. We had a great time, met lots of folks and most importantly, putted for a worthy cause! Although our team did not win, we did receive a super cool trophy from the Brighton building manager and a close personal friend, Marc Drake.

Two days after the event I was talking to a longtime friend in Myrtle Beach whose son at the age of 14 is enrolled in the program and loves it. I am thrilled to see innovation in education and the Early College High School is one of them!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly









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