I have written before that I am blessed to love the job that I have had for the past 39 years – that is being a personal injury, worker’s compensation, disability, and insurance litigator. The Social Security Disability program is backlogged badly (second only to the Veteran’s Disability program, which has an even greater backlog). Recently, the Social Security Disability administration has made a bold effort to reduce the congestion. This means that two attorneys in my Columbia office, Lisa Cotten and myself, have lots of hearings in 2016.
For example, I had three Social Security Disability hearings this week, at least two of which were successful. Contrary to popular belief, there are many more deserving people that do not receive Social Security Disability than there are people who do receive these benefits that should not. We carefully screen our Social Security Disability clients to make sure that we only represent those individuals that have a deserving claim and that are unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity. For example, one of the hearings today concerned a client who had an excellent work record until she became stricken with cervical disc disease, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Suddenly, after working hard all of her life, she could barely perform the basic activities of daily living. She lost her job and faced severe financial hardship. My client very much deserved to receive the government support that she had paid through decades of hard work, and it is extremely satisfying to be able to help deserving women like this.
Thank you to everyone who has referred clients to me over the years. I am very humbled when a former client, friend or neighbor refers someone to me, and I take the trust they have placed in me extremely seriously. I am also proud to have one of the best legal teams that I have ever been affiliated with, working each and every day for the Mike Kelly Law Group and its clients. Thank you for allowing me to serve!