It’s springtime in South Carolina, and while I enjoy every season in our beautiful state (except maybe winter!), spring is hands down my favorite. So far, this year is proving to be no exception; I like the way things are trending! Coinciding with the ramp-up in vaccinations—which will hopefully reduce the impact of COVID on our daily lives—the weather is becoming lovelier by the day. Warmer temperatures means more outdoor activities: yard work, cookouts, and for the time being, socially distanced gatherings. I, for one, am looking forward to getting my golf clubs out of storage this weekend and hitting the links!

With the cold weather limiting our ability to spend time with friends and loved ones during the pandemic, the past winter felt particularly long and dreary. At last, we are seeing more opportunities to engage in outdoor events and activities with one another, and we should make the most of it! I encourage you to get outside, soak in some sunlight, and shake off those winter doldrums! Enjoy your spring, and have a great weekend!