The legal team at Mike Kelly Law Group receives calls all too frequently from concerned family members whose loved ones have faced mistreatment in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Cases of nursing home negligence and abuse are extremely disconcerting. Not only does the frequency of mistreatment cause me grave concern for the vulnerable residents of these facilities, it leaves me worried about my own future as well. After all, I’m no spring chicken, and I may well find myself in assisted living one day sooner rather than later!
Callers and clients shed a bright light on how severe a problem elder abuse can be within the walls of the very facilities promising a better life and standard of care to our older population. Complaints range from bed sores, to physical mishandling of patients, to avoidable fatalities. The word neglect carries a strong connotation, but sadly it is prevalent in the nursing home industry. A startling 40% of nursing home residents have reported abuse, and over 90% have either experienced neglect or witnessed the neglect of a fellow resident. Studies show that approximately half of nursing home attendants have abused or neglected patients.
At the Mike Kelly Law Group, we carefully screen incoming complaints of nursing home negligence and vigorously pursue those claims which are actionable. We undertake representation for two very important reasons: 1) to compensate victims for their injury or loss; and 2) to prevent future harm by holding the offending facilities accountable for their misconduct.

If you or your loved one has fallen victim to nursing home neglect, please don’t hesitate to call Mike Kelly Law Group at (803) 726-0123 or submit an inquiry on our website to schedule a consultation at no cost to you. We’re here for the people of South Carolina.