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KellyGram – Remembering 9/11



It was 23 years ago, when one of the most tragic events in world history occurred. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed, due to a coordinated terrorist attack. Nineteen terrorists hijacked and crashed four planes- two in the North and South Towers, one into the Pentagon and a fourth crashed into an empty field in Pennsylvania after the passengers fought back. Everyone except for our youngest KellyGram subscribers will remember where they were on that day. I was in my office at the Suggs & Kelly Law Center when one of my fellow lawyers called me over to a television which was showing live footage of this horrific act. We were all left speechless and in complete shock at what we were witnessing.

I think it is important to take the time and remember the victims of this tragedy and one of the best ways to do that is through learning, such as watching a documentary or reading a book. On Sunday night my favorite TV show aired a repeat of a documentary prepared by 60 Minutes titled, “9/11: The FDNY.” Just like my mother and father before me, wherever I am, if possible, I am going to be sitting in front of the TV watching 60 Minutes. I think they do an outstanding job of giving details on the major stories of our times and never have they done a better job than their coverage of this tragic event. Its focus was primarily on the lives of the heroic first responders and their actions on this day 23 years ago. I highly recommend watching this documentary as a form of respect, education and remembrance of 9/11. May we never forget the 2,977 victims who lost their lives, their families and those who survived. God Bless America!

We’re here for the people of South Carolina!

Have a great rest of the week and weekend!


Mike Kelly




