A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a Sunday worship service at Bishop David Tompkins’s Church, Living Word of Deliverance Temple Worship Center, and it was an amazing experience. While David’s day job is operating Bostick Tompkins Funeral Home on Colonial Drive, he is also Bishop and the Chief Spiritual Leader at Living Word, located on Winyah Drive in Columbia. The church’s new location is off to a fantastic start and surely the Lord is present in every inch of it.
Bishop Tompkins, Troy Washington, and company did a wonderful job in designing this facility and it quite simply is breathtaking, elegant, and worthy of being the house of the Lord. I would urge anyone to attend a worship service at 11:00am on Sundays. You will enjoy the musical offerings, the message, and leave filled with the Holy Spirit! God is good all the time!
