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KellyGram – Helping Others



Today’s KellyGram was inspired by a devotional that I read in Forward Day by Day devotional series that I read many mornings. The devotional was based on a line from Philippians 2:4 – “Let each of you look not to your own interest, but to the interest of others”. Whether you are a Christian or not, those words are powerful and literally cause me to give some deep thought to, “Am I doing enough for others”. I have been blessed to live a long life. I have children, grandchildren, relationships, friends, a church family, and a very blessed law practice. I know through my work I can help others and my favorite expression is “I get paid a nice salary to help people every day”. Tuesday was a prime example; a client who will remain unnamed, came in to hire me. He was injured in July, has not received any income, and has not received meaningful medical treatment. My paralegal, Kimberly, and I were able to get the ball rolling and even though the workers’ compensation system moves way too slowly, I believe we are at the start of getting him on a better road.

I clearly can do more in the Community to help others and I plan to do so. I don’t know how much time I have left on this Earth, but I am renewing my dedication to serving others. The options are limitless, and I challenge all my readers to consider doing the same.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mike Kelly




