One of my favorite poems is “Crossing the Bar” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. This past Friday, our newest attorney Stephen Vicari, passed the Bar, meaning he will be sworn in officially as an attorney in several weeks and become an official member of the legal community here in South Carolina. We are very proud of Stephen!
Everyone who has ever taken a Bar exam in the nation knows how stressful it is. Even though I passed the Bar 38 years ago last week, I still vividly remember the grueling process of preparing for the Bar examination, taking the Bar examination (three days of hell on earth!) and then painfully awaiting the results. I remember calling the Supreme Court as a 25 year old lawyer after waiting for an agonizing period of time before I was informed by the Clerk that I had in fact passed. What a celebration we had that evening!
The consequences of not passing the Bar (besides being humiliated) is that you cannot practice the craft that you spent not only all your time on, but tens and now hundreds of thousands of dollars for your education.
