Car accidents are a fact of life. In the United States alone, approximately 4.6 million people are injured in collisions each year—that’s an average of one injury every seven seconds. Still, no one ever expects to be t-boned on their way to work or rear-ended at a red light; if that were the case, there would be no cars on the road. But regardless of our own experience or precaution, when we share the streets with other drivers, the potential for injury is always there. So we practice defensive driving, wear our seatbelts, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst—by investing in underinsured motorist coverage.
Over the years, Mike Kelly Law Group has helped countless clients recover damages after suffering serious or catastrophic injury in a motor vehicle accident. But too often, especially in recent years as the costs of health care have increased, we consult with victims who have suffered permanent injury and/or have incurred medical bills exceeding five and six figures, only to break the news that they will likely only recover the minimum liability limits of $25,000.00 carried by the at-fault driver. That’s it. In South Carolina, drivers are required to carry a mere $25,000.00 of bodily injury liability coverage, an amount that is more often than not inadequate in today’s society.

What makes cases such as these especially heart-breaking is that these victims not only suffer bodily loss but financial devastation—injuries lead to stacking doctor’s bills and missed work. While the first blow may not be preventable, the second is. Underinsured motorist coverage, or UIM, is available to every person with car insurance. UIM can help cover losses incurred due to medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering caused by another driver when your damages exceed the driver’s liability limits. This type of coverage is inexpensive, and although it is optional, it is vital and worth every penny. Just as you cannot trust that other drivers will not make a life-altering mistake, you cannot trust that they have the means to reimburse you when they do make that mistake.
Make it your New Year’s resolution to protect yourself. Review your insurance policy, and if you don’t have UIM coverage, call your insurance agent today.