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KellyGram – Another Reason I Love Columbia


At the young age of 18, I came to Columbia to attend the University of South Carolina, and I’ve lived, worked and raised my family here for the last 46 years. Columbia is such a wonderful place to live, and I can honestly say that I am thankful and proud to be able to call it my home. Sunday evening, there were two diametrically opposed demonstrations –the Black Lives Matter march and a rally in support of the Confederate flag – all on the same day. The attendees in both instances rallied peacefully and without serious incident. I was very proud of law enforcement for their skillful handling of both of these rallies and special thanks to the leadership of the highway patrol, Sheriff Lott, and Columbia Police Chief, Skip Holbrook. You hear a lot about Greenville, Charleston, Atlanta and Charlotte but as for me, I’ll take Columbia any day of the week!

Have a great weekend!


Mike Kelly











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